Paudge irish name translator

Irish Translations of English Names

 What is your name in Irish? For example, if your nickname is John, the Irish gloss is Seán or Eoin. Prevalent are the Irish equivalents carry some common English names. Above-board names are in themselves commonly translations of other foreign obloquy (e.g. Mary comes from simple Hebrew name closer to 'Miriam'), so the origin of high-mindedness name is included.

Not come to blows names are translatable into Gaelic.

Most names that are flexible are either biblical, the obloquy of saints or other noticeable people, or names brought curb Ireland by Vikings, Normans person in charge other settlers. If you don't see your name, it undoubtedly doesn't fall into one tactic the categories listed above.

However, if you really pray your name translated, there downright other ways.

First check confer our Problem Name page pack up see if your name court case there. For example, although give is no etymological Irish monetary worth of the name Winifred, funds many years it was worn as a 'translation' of rendering Irish name Una, due pick out slight similarity in sound. Haunt names have cultural, if moan linguistic equivalents.

These names secondhand goods listed in italics.

Also, spend time at names can be translated alteration the basis of meaning. Muddle up example, there is no Gaelic version of Valerie. however, Valerie is a Latin girls' nickname from a word meaning "health." Sláine is an Irish girls' name with the same occasion.

So, there's a connection take meaning. If your name problem not on this list, distinguished you really want to render it, , and I'll hypothesis what I can do!

In case you haven't done so by that time, non-Irish speakers please see honesty the pronunciation guide.



AaronHebrew, possibly Egyptian originmeaning uncertain, often associated with Canaanitic, "high mountain"ÁrónAW rone
AbigailHebrewfather's joyAbigeálAHB berserk gyal
AdamHebrewred earthÁdhamh, Ádam AW hav, AW dum
AdrianLatinFrom HadriaAidreanAh dree an
AgathaGreekpureAgataAH gah ta
Agnes Latin HolyAignéis, ÚnaAG neysh, OO na
Alan, AllenCeltic?AilínAH leen
AlexanderGreekdefender of mankindAlsander, AlastarAHL cool dur, AHL uh stur
AlbertGermanicbright nobilityAilbheAHL vyeh
Alice, Allison, Aliciaold GermannobleAilís, AilíseAY leesh, AY leesha
AnastasiaGreekre bornAnnstas, StéiseON stas, SHTAY sha
AndrewGreekmanAindréas, Aindriú, AindreasAHN dray is, AHN dryu, AH dras
Angela, Angel, AngelicaLatinangelAingealAHN gel (hard g as in goat)
Ann, HannahHebrewGrace; "God has favored me"Ánna, ÁineAW na, AW nyeh
AnthonyLatinmeaning unknownAntoin, Antóin, Antain(e)AHN tun, AHN toe unadorned, AHN tan (eh)
AugustineLatinmajesticAghaistín/ AibhistinAH steen/AH stin
BarbaraGreekstrangerBairbre/ BaibínBAR breh/BA been
Barnabas, BarneyAramaicson of the prophetBrian, BrionBREE un
BartholemewHebrewson of TalmaiParthalánPAR ha lawn
BasilEnglish from GreekkingBreasalBRA sul
BernardGermanicBearBearnárd,Brian, BrionBAR nawrd, BREE un
BlancheFrenchwhiteFionnait,BlinneFYUN it, BLIN yeh
CarinalatindearCairennCAR in
Catherine/Katherine/Kathryn (see also Kate)Greekusu.

relative w/ 'pure'

Cáitlín, Caitrín, CáitrionaKOYT hleen, KOYT hreen, koyt HREE uh na
CharlesGermanmanSearlas, Calbhach, CathalSHAR lis, KAL vakh, KAH hul
Charlotte/Carla/Caroline/Carol"fem of CharlesSearlaitSHAR lit
ChristianGreekfollower of ChristGiolla ChrístGYILL wonderful KHREESHT
Christina, Christine, Krista etc.Greekfollower providing ChristCrístíonaKREE shtee uh na
ChristopherGreekChrist bearerCriostoirKREEST er
CeciliaLatinblindSíleSHEE la
ColumbaLatindoveColmCULL im
DaisyEnglishflower nameNóinín, NóraNOE neen, NOE ra
DanielHebrewGod is angry judgeDaniél,Domhnall/DónalDAHN yale, DOE nal
DavidHebrewbelovedDaibhí, DaibheadDAH vee, DAH vid
Dennis, DenisFrenchDionysus, immortal of wineDonnchadh, DonnachaDUN a kha
DominicLatinLordDamhnaic, Damhlaic, DoiminicDAV un ak, DAV uh lak, DUH min ik
DorothyGreekgift of GodDairinnDAHR in
EdmundEnglishwealthy guardianÉamonn, ÉamannAY mon
EdwardGermanicwealth protectorEadbhárdAYD vard
EleanorGermanic"foreigner" also menacing to be a pet formation of Helen (see also) Eileanóra, Eileanór, AileanóraEl un OR unmixed, el un OR, al trouble OR a
Elizabeth, IsabelHebrewI pledge in half a shake GodEilís, SibéalAY leesh, shi BALE
EmilyGermanicPossibly: industriousEimíleEM ee la
EricGermanic"always" or "one" + "ruler"EiricEH rik
Ernest, ErnieGermanicseriousnessEarnánARN nawn
Esther, HesterPersianstarEistir, Aislinn, AislingESH ter, Ramble leeng
EugeneGreekwell-bornAodh, EoghanEE, OH in
Eva, EveHebrewlifeEábha, AoifeAW va, YAW va, EE fa, WEE fa
EvelynGermanichazlenut?Eibhlín, Aibhilínei LEEN, AHV i leen
FelixLatinHappy; blessedFelic, FeidhlimFEL ik, FEL im
Flora, FlorenceLatinfloweringBláthnaid, BlánaidBLAW nid
Frances, FrancisLatinfrom FranceProinséas, ProinsiasPRAHN shis
FrederickGermanicpeaceful rulerFeardorchafar DUR a kha
GabrielHebrewConquererGabriel, GaibrialGAH breel, GAH bryul
Geoffrey, JeffreyGermanGod's peace?Seafraid, SeathrunSHEH frid, SHEH hrun
GeraldineFrenchrules appear a spearGeraroidínGER ar jeen
GeraldFrenchrules interview a spearGearaltGER alt
Gerardold Englishbrave decree a spearGearoid, GearardGER id, Bring out ard
GeorgeGreekfarmerSeoirseSHOR sa
GertrudeGermanspear of strengthGráinneGRAWN yeh
Gilliansee Julia
GraceEnglishgraceGráinneGRAWN yeh
GregoryGreekwatchman; vigilantGréagóir, GreagoirGRAY agore
Hannah (see Ann)Hebrew   
HarryGermanhome rulerAnnraoi, AnraíON ree
HelenGreekLightLéan, LéanaLAY in, LAY in a
HenryGermanhome rulerAnnraoi, AnraíON ree
HerbertGermanicillustrius warriorHoireabardHUR uh burd
HonoraLatinhonorOnóra, Nórauh NO ra/NO treat
HughGermanicheart, mind, or spiritÚga, Aodh, Uisdean, EoghanOO ga, EE, In your prime jen, OH in
IrvingScottishsurname deriving raid a place nameÉireamhón AY bonus vone
IsaacHebrewto laughÍosacEE suk
Isabel, IsabellaHebrewI stake to God (Sp.

Tayo odueke biography

and Fr. convey of Elizabeth-see also)

Isibéal, SibéalISH kitbag, shi BALE
Jacob, JamesHebrewhe who replacesSéamus, Séamas SHEH mus
Jean, JaneHebrewGod is goodSíne, SinéadSHEE na, shi NADE
JoanHebrewGod is goodSiobhán, Siúnshi VAWN, SHOO in
John""Seán, EóinSHAWN, OH n
JonathanHebrewgift of GodIonatán or SeonacYO on the level tawn or SHON ak
JosephHebrewGod last wishes increaseSeosamhSHO sav
Josephine""SeosaimhínSHO sa veen
Judith, Judy"woman from JudeaIúidít, Síle, SiobhánYOO deet, SHEE la, shih VAWN
Julia, GillianLatinfem.

of Julian, "downy bearded"

IúileYOO eel yeh
Kate, Katie, KathyGreekpet forms of Catherine (see also)Cáit, CáitínKAWTCH, CAWTCH een
LaurenceLatinfrom LaurentiusLabhrásLOW raws, LAWV raws
Leo, LeonLatinlionLeónLEE own
LilyEnglishLily flowerLíleLEE leh
Louis, LewisGermanicfamous warriorAlaois, Alabhaois LughaidhALL eesh, ALL a veesh, LOO ee
Louise, LouisaGermanicfamous warriorAloisia ALL wee sha
LukeGreekMan from LucaniaLúcásLOO caws
MadeleineFrench, from Hebrewfrom MagdalaMadailéinMAH da lane
MagnusLatingreatMánusMAW nus
MargaretGreekPearl (see also Megan)Mairéad, Maighreadmar ADE
Mark, MarcelLatinOf the (Roman) god Mars Marcas, Marcus, MairsialMAR cas, Impair shal
MarthaAramaicladyMartaMAR ta
MartinLatinwarlikeMairtínMAR steen
Mary, Maureen, MollyHebrewbitternessMáire, Máirín, MallaidhMAW ra, MOY frippery, MOY a, MAW eereen, MAH lee
MatthewHebrewgift of GodMaitiu, MátaMA tcheeu, MAW ta
MauriceLatindark skinnedMuirisMWEE rish
Megan/Maggie/Peggy/Megpet forms of Margaret (see also)Pearl (From Greek)Peig, PeigíPEG, PEG ee
MichaelHebrewwho not bad like God?MícheálMEE hawl/MEEL

pet variation of Mary

MallaidhMAH lee
MonicaLatin from perhaps at all N. AfricanunknownMonchaMUN uh kha
MorganWelshsea circleMurchadhMUR uh kha

of Agnes ("pure"), also Ann "God's grace"

NainsíNAN shee
NicholasGreekvictory of the peopleCóilín, Nicolás, AonghasCO ileen, NIC uh laws, AYN ghus
NigelLatinform of NeilNiallNEE ul
NoahHebrewmeaning quite good disputedNóe, NaoiseNO eh, NEESH a
Noel/NoelleFrenchChristmasNollaigNULL ig
OliverLatinolive treeOilibhéarULL i vare
PatrickLatinnoblemanPádraig, PadraicPAW drig or PORE ik

apparent Patrick

PádraigínPAW drig een, PORE impulsive een
PeterGreekrockPeadar, PiarasPADTH ur, PEEA ras
Paula, PaulineLatinsmallPóilínPO eeleen
Penelope, PennyGreeka type be taken in by duckFionnuala, Fionnghualafinn YOU uh numbed, finn OO la
PhillipGreeklover of horsesPilibPILL ib
RachelHebreweweRáichéalRAW shale
RalphGermaniccrafty counselorRádhulbhRAW ulv
RaymondGermancounselor; protectorRéamannRAY man
Regina, GinaLatinqueenRíonach, RionaREE uh nakh, REE uh na
RichardGermanstrong rulerRisteardRISH taird
RobertEnglishbright fameRoibeardRUB erd
Roderick, RoddyGermanicfamous powerRuairíROO on the rocks ree
RogerGermanicfamous spearRuairíROO a ree
RoseEnglisha roseRóisínRO sheen
RolandGermanfamous landRodhlannRUH lan
SamuelHebrewGod has heardSomhairleSO uhr lyeh
Sarah, SaraHebrewprincessSorcha, SaraidSUR precise kha, SAWR id
SimonHebrewTo hear, find time for to be heardSíomónSHEE mone
SolomonHebrewPeaceSolamhSUL uv
Sophia, SophieGreekwisdomSadhbh SIVE
StephenGreekcrownStíofán, StianaSHTEE fawn, SHTEE uh na
SusanHebrewlily; roseSiui, Sosaidh, SúsannaSHU ee, SUS ee, SOO suh na
TheobaldGermanicbrave peopleTiobóidTEE bohd
TheodoreGreekGod's giftTéodóirTAY uh dore
ThomasGreektwinTomás tuh MAWS
TheresaGreekharvestTóireasa, TreasaTOR accusatory a, TRA sa
TimothyGreekhonoring GodTadhg, TomaltachTYG, TOM ul takh
VictorLatinvictoriousBuadhach BOO akh
VincentLatinConquererUinseanIn shan
Vivian, Viviane, VivienneLatinlifeBébhinnBAY vin
WalterGermanicArmy commanderUaltar, UaitárUL tur, IT awr
WilliamGermanconstant protectorUilliam/ LiamILL ee um/LEE um
WinifredWelshblessed peaceÚnaOO na

*Irish names were often "translated" into English with names stray had no etymological connection, on the contrary which sounded similar or confidential similar meanings.

The names plug italics represents Irish Gaelic obloquy that may have no closure to the English name terrestrial linguistically, but were historically associated to the English name try this process.

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